Marks And Spencer Bank. HIGH street favourite Marks and Spencer (M&S) has added extra benefits and rewards to its current account in an effort to tempt customers away from the traditional big banks - but there are a few catches to watch out for. This is the unique name you chose when registering for M&S Internet Banking.
M&S Bank provides a broad range of retail banking and insurance products and services.
A staple on every high street, Marks & Spencer specialises in fashion, food and home goods -- all at affordable price points and all with a distinctly British flair.
Marks & Spencer could soon be as well known for overdrafts and debit cards as it is for underwear and ready meals after announcing it is muscling in on the high street banks' territory. Marks and Spencer Group plc (commonly abbreviated as M&S or colloquially Marks and Sparks) is a major British multinational retailer with headquarters in London, England, that specialises in selling clothing, home products and food products, mostly of its own label. This table contains critical financial ratios such as Price-to-Earnings (P/E Ratio), Earnings-Per-Share (EPS), Return-On-Investment (ROI) and others based on Marks and Spencer Group PLC's latest financial reports.